(defun next-life (array &optional results)
(let* ((dimensions (array-dimensions array))
(results (or results (make-array dimensions :element-type 'bit))))
(destructuring-bind (rows columns) dimensions
(labels ((entry (row col)
"Return array(row,col) for valid (row,col) else 0."
(if (or (not (< -1 row rows))
(not (< -1 col columns)))
(aref array row col)))
(neighbor-count (row col &aux (count 0))
"Return the sum of the neighbors of (row,col)."
(dolist (r (list (1- row) row (1+ row)) count)
(dolist (c (list (1- col) col (1+ col)))
(unless (and (eql r row) (eql c col))
(incf count (entry r c))))))
(live-or-die? (current-state neighbor-count)
(if (or (and (eql current-state 1)
(<= 2 neighbor-count 3))
(and (eql current-state 0)
(eql neighbor-count 3)))
(dotimes (row rows results)
(dotimes (column columns)
(setf (aref results row column)
(live-or-die? (aref array row column)
(neighbor-count row column)))))))))
(defun print-grid (grid &optional (out *standard-output*))
(destructuring-bind (rows columns) (array-dimensions grid)
(dotimes (r rows grid)
(dotimes (c columns (terpri out))
(write-char (if (zerop (aref grid r c)) #\+ #\#) out)))))
(defun run-life (&optional world (iterations 10) (out *standard-output*))
(let* ((world (or world (make-array '(10 10) :element-type 'bit)))
(result (make-array (array-dimensions world) :element-type 'bit)))
(do ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((eql i iterations) world)
(terpri out) (print-grid world out)
(psetq world (next-life world result)
result world))))'